Tending to Our Needs (blog)
In December, when we were still social gathering, my Easter cactus surprised me with a very early bloom of unprecedented proportion. Its branches drooped under the weight of at least 25 gorgeous fuchsia-colored flowers and just as many buds waiting to unfold.Being that it was such a busy time of year, I marveled at the plant for a few days and then forgot about it for a few weeks. When I finally watered it, I found to my dismay that the flowers had withered and most of the buds had dried up. Papery brown, they fell off of the branches at the faintest touch.I felt so badly for neglecting my cactus in its unexpected time of need.But amazingly, this same plant found the strength to force out an unprecedented second bloom, at Easter. There weren't quite as many flowers and buds, but this time I tended carefully to the plant's needs. Every last bud bloomed beautifully.I'm thinking of that plant as I remember all of the people who have tended so carefully to my needs over the years. Now that we are isolated from each other, I'm realizing just how important they have been to my well-being all along - my family, friends, neighbors, and especially my church family. It's so good to connect with them now, to hear their voices on the phone and to see their faces in Zoom gatherings.Tending to each other's needs this way is helping us all to keep going.I've been having trouble focusing for a few weeks now, have you? My thoughts keep wandering to what it will be like when we all come together again (and I crash that 6 foot radius around you). Can you imagine the richness of sensation, the joyful disorientation we will experience when we physically gather again as one for worship, hearing each other sing and meditating together on God's Word?I'm picturing what it was like to see and kneel beside you up at the altar. I'm remembering what it felt like to have someone press a wafer into the palm of my hand while speaking the words "given for you" over me. I'm tasting the wine in my mind. I miss it terribly, our beautiful Communion with God and with each other, which helps to make His love in Jesus real to us.We're all longing for these experiences to be renewed. We're praying, most of all that the worlds' suffering with Covid-19 will end, but also that we will be able to come together again soon.But for now we're on opposite sides of a screen, and that's how it needs to be.It's so important now to remind each other that Jesus' real presence is always with us. We can take comfort in his nearness, and in knowing that we are together in him. At any and every moment we can reach out and take hold of the Word of promise that God has given us and remember his faithfulness to us. We can assure each other of His love for us, of His forgiveness, of grace. We can pray for each other.It's critical that we continue to do these things, and all the more right now.Now more than ever, we can thank our pastors, church staff and leaders, who are on the front lines of the spiritual battle being waged against us.Equipped and moved by the Holy Spirit, they are working tirelessly to defend, encourage and guide us. We can support them in prayer, and remember how they have devoted their lives to our spiritual well-being. They have always been prepared and willing to tend carefully to our needs.If you are one of these faith heroes, thank you!!Without the work that Jesus is doing through you, I would be withering right now. There are days when I struggle, when things seem dark and hopeless (usually after I've caught up on the news). You are critically needed, you are impacting my life in ways you can't even imagine. Your work is opening up a door that lets God's saving light in, to shine on me again. I marvel at how you are able to keep working together to share the Good News of God's saving love in Jesus with me each week, and I know that it is by God's power that you can keep doing this. Because of you, I am able to go and share God's love too, by tending to someone else's needs.I pray for you, every day, and I thank and praise God for you!Keep moving forward. The Lord goes before you and he will strengthen you.May God bless and keep you in His loving care always, and now especially.(Are there faith heroes in your life right now? Take a moment to thank God for them in the comments below.)