Somerset Hills
Lutheran Church

9:30 am - Sunday Worship

3/30 - Breakfast following worship

4/13 - Palm Sunday @ 9:30 am

4/17 - Holy Thursday Service @ 7:30 pm

4/18 - Good Friday Service @ 7:30 pm

4/20 - Easter Sunday Service @ 9:30 am


What’s happening at SHLC?

SHLC hosted a dinner for the Gentle Shepherd Christian Preschool families. The parents appreciated a weeknight off from cooking dinner, and enjoyed the fellowship with other school families, church members and staff. Fathers from the SHLC Congregation shared their parenting suggestions with the GSCP fathers in attendance.

SHLC members volunteering during the Lyons VA Hospital Foodbank for Veterans.

SHLC members and friends pack Care Packages for our college students.

SHLC’s Bell Choir playing the Doxology during Worship.

Come Worship With Us

Our Services are held every Sunday at 9:30 am.

All are welcome to attend!

At SHLC we welcome you to come as you are. We believe we are all made in the image and likeness of God.

Our Worship services take place in our Sanctuary and they consist of songs & hymns, Bible readings, communion, prayers and more! We use a combination of contemporary praise music and traditional organ songs for worship.

We are a Lutheran Christian church in Basking Ridge, NJ and we actively seek to make and nurture followers of Jesus from every walk of life. All denominations welcome!

For more information about SHLC please visit our About Us page.

To learn more about Gentle Shepherd Christian Preschool or to enroll your child today please visit our Preschool page.

What Are You Looking For?

Mandi’s Testimony

Two weeks ago Pastor Dan shared some future attendance trends for the church and suggested that we “Prayer Walk.” I’m sure I wasn’t the only person sitting in Fellowship Hall that thought this sounded uncomfortable or weird. But, I called out and said, “Hey, Pastor Dan asked us to pray for the success of the Preschool babysitting outreach and look at what a success that turned out to be!”

Before it was a success, there were points where it seemed a little crazy, but I continued to pray. And then I was assigned to teach the Bible story with Tim and Becky. Becky was going to write the lesson and Tim and I were going to follow it. I thought it was going to be uncomfortable, but it turned out to be a good exercise for me to have trust in someone else preparing me and teaching me how to teach the lesson.

Afterwards I thought, Pastor Dan did a good job planning this dynamic between Becky, Tim and I. So I told him and he said, I had no idea that would happen and it wasn’t something I considered in my plan.

You know who did plan? God. He is a master planner. Once we went to him in prayer, I do believe he worked out all the small details – working through Sue and Krissy and Pastor Dan.

Yesterday I went on the prayer walk. It was wet and drizzly but it wasn’t hard. My partner was Melanie and she has a beautiful way with words. We prayed and walked and talked about struggles that we are facing in our lives and the struggles that we know others are facing in their lives. And then we figured that the families inside the houses we walked past are probably dealing with the same struggles. And we prayed for those families to overcome them. We had a good experience.

Sometimes the feelings of doubt and discomfort are Satan’s way of distracting us from God and his plan for us. We just need to remain steadfast in our prayers that God will guide us and reveal his plan to us.


Check out our events page with all the latest things happening at SHLC!

Are you new to our Church?

Would you like more information or to speak with a Pastor?

We would love to get to know you and introduce you to our community!


“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” - 2 Corinthians 9:11

By giving we are able to thank God for all he has offered us. Since God has given us everything we need, when we give, we show gratitude for our abundance and recognize that everything we have was granted by Him. We give earnestly and celebrate His fruitful presence in our lives!

Click the “Give” button to learn more about ways to give.

Gentle Shepherd Christian Preschool


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

— Jeremiah 29:11