Bring It To God in Faith (blog)
There are two parts to the visioning process we are in here at SHLC. First there is the coming together to generate and share ideas, which I love because it gets me so excited and energized to do God's Kingdom work. Second, there is the coming back home to the load of laundry, the daily planner full of appointments and all of those emails.Lord, I want to do your will but when will I have the time?There is also the vision I catch of myself in the mirror. Five foot four (and shrinking, I think), awkward and insecure at times, not very bright and certainly not worldly.Lord, I haven't really much to offer you.Our self-study results point us to growing numbers of people who need to know how much God loves them, and a whole lot right here in Bernards Township. It's daunting. If we are going to make an impact, bringing the forgiveness and hope that is found only in Jesus Christ to these people, we'll need to give it everything we've got and that still might not be enough.Honestly, what we've got will never be enough.Remember the 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish (John 6:1-15)? While Philip was busy surveying that enormous crowd of hungry people following Jesus and calculating how much money was needed to buy enough bread for them all "to have a bite", a boy brought his meager lunch to The Lord. In faith the boy brought it to Jesus. He wasn't thinking that it would be enough. He was thinking that The Lord is enough - more than enough.And He is! Jesus gave thanks to God, blessed the meager meal and fed all 5,000 people with it. And there were leftovers.Lord, give me faith like that boy's!This is our prayer as we go forward. We may not get it all right, and what we offer will never be enough. But if, in faith, we bring what we have to The Lord, thanking Him for it and trusting in His power to do great things with it, then He will bless it and it will be more than enough to accomplish His purposes.Praise God, I've witnessed this kind of faith at SHLC, and I'm seeing it at work now! God can do amazing things through SHLC! I believe that He has, is, and will do them.