We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for your review. You are welcome to call us and speak with the church staff directly at (908) 766-2858.
Not a problem! In fact, we don’t care if you have never been to church. Each week, people visit SHLC for the first time. Our worship services are easy to follow and don’t require that you have any past church experience.
While SHLC is a congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod we are open to all people seeking to grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Being Lutheran isn’t nearly as important as simply having a heart to seek Christ. If you want to learn more about the Lutheran understanding and practice of the Christian faith, that’s an option. But it’s certainly not a requirement for attending. For information please free to contact us at (908) 766-2858.
You can expect to be greeted warmly at the door and welcomed into our sanctuary. The worship service will include music, Bible readings, a relevant message from one of the pastors. Depending on the service, there may also be baptisms and Holy Communion. Prayers will be offered and you may request prayers via the green cards or by using the prayer request button above.
Wear what you feel is comfortable and appropriate. We do not have a dress code and we certainly wouldn’t want you to worry about this! Some people wear jeans and t-shirt, while others come in “business casual” attire. Some people prefer to dress up, while others prefer to dress down. We are more concerned about your heart and your needs than we are about your clothing.
For children ages 4 through grade 5 Sunday School starts at 9:15 am in Fellowship Hall. Children will enjoy a Sunday School lesson and will then join the congregation for the Children’s Lesson. Following the Children’s Lesson the children will sit with their parents for the remainder of the service .
For the littlest children, we offer a nursery room for restless kids and nursing mothers, with age-appropriate toys.
Of course, all children may stay with their parents for the entire worship service. We provide busy bags to be used during worship for specific ages to be returned after service. As well as voluntary sermon note sheets for children.
We know that it might be hard for them to “be quiet” the entire time. We understand. Jesus loved children; so do we.
For resources on how to help your children worship, please email us at shlc@shlc.net.
Baptized adult Christians who know they need God’s daily forgiveness, who are sorry for their sins and seek God’s forgiveness, and who believe that the body and blood of Jesus Christ are truly present in the Lord’s Supper are invited to share this great gift of God with us. Jesus called us to celebrate Holy Communion until he returns so that we may have forgiveness of sins, strengthening of faith, and the power to live God-pleasing lives. God’s Word tells us that when we receive the Lord’s Supper, we are not merely receiving bread and wine, but the true, real body and blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus said in Matthew 26:26-30, “This is my body… this is my blood;” not “this represents my body” or “this symbolizes my blood.” We ask that children experience our Communion Preparation classes in the 5th and 6th grades before communing. If you have doubts or do not understand our beliefs about the Lord’s Supper, please call our church office and ask to speak to pastor, who would be happy to help you understand the meaning of the Lord’s Supper.
Yes. Many people, including Christians, face challenges in their personal and family lives. These can include addictions, marital problems, financial crises, abuse, depression, divorce, deaths of loved ones, physical trauma and emotional problems. We want to support you and encourage healing in your life however possible. It is admirable and courageous to recognize that you need support in sorting out life’s difficulties. You may request to meet with our pastor to discuss your problem in confidence.
The opportunities are endless. Possibly you want to get involved in Bible study or serve on one of our many missions. Maybe you simply want to see where you can volunteer or what’s available for your children or teens. Upcoming events would also give you the chance to be with other Christians. Call the church office at 908-766-2858 to let us know if you would like to attend an event or how you would like to serve alongside us.
We offer regular classes for membership called “The ABC (About Being Christian) class” in which the basics of the Christian faith are discussed from the perspective of our Lutheran understanding. The ABC class is required if you have never been confirmed in the Lutheran Church as a teen or adult. People coming to SHLC from another Lutheran Church may also transfer their membership and become part of our Church family, and they are also urged to be part of the ABC Class.
Visit our About Us page and click on the “Make a Request” button.