The Beginning
Somerset Hills Lutheran Church has a rich history 60+ year history! SHLC was founded in 1958 and its first services were held at Cedar Hill Elementary School right in the center of Basking Ridge. From there SHLC moved to its current home on Lake Road in 1962.

SHLC Original Church Bulletin Picture

10th Anniversary of SHLC

Cedar Hill School Sunday Service

12th Anniversary of SHLC

SHLC Sunday School at Cedar Hill School

SHLC built on Lake Road in 1962

Dedication Service in 1962 with Pastors

Dedication Service in 1962

SHLC Choir entering the Sanctuary

Transfer of church members to Basking Ridge
SHLC’s Sanctuary beautification project in 1982 consisted of a new altar, Jesus and Holy Spirit statue, stained glass windows and other repairs. All these main pieces exist in the Sanctuary to this day. SHLC celebrated its 20th, 30th and 40th milestone anniversaries before the turn of the century.

New altar being put in Sanctuary in 1982

Statue of Jesus being put into Sanctuary in 1982

25th Anniversary of SHLC

15th Anniversary of SHLC

Building the altar

30th Anniversary of SHLC

40th anniversary of SHLC

Installing the stained glass windows

SHLC family

40th anniversary celebration


1994 West Point Football Game
SHLC is still going strong today! In 2018 we celebrated our 60th anniversary! We continue to worship the Lord and serve the greater community in His name. We look forward to the future with great plans to prosper in the name of the Lord.

The Hospitality Committee making food trays for Somerset County Food Bank

SHLC churchgoers during the weekly after service coffee hour

Pastor and church members

Charter Day in Basking Ridge
Passing out backpacks to Plainfield students in 2010
Celebration Sunday in 2010
Dedication of the baseball field behind SHLC in 2016
SHLC Easter Egg Hunt
SHLC Easter Bunny
SHLC Outdoor Church Service
SHLC Trunk or Treat
Mental Health training
Blessing of the Pets
High School Graduate Hand Print on Ceiling Tradition

Lenten Soup Suppers
Creating care packages for our college students

SHLC's annual hats, gloves and socks donation in Plainfield, NJ