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Who is Martin Luther?
Learn about the man who followed God’s calling and stood up for what he believed was right in the face of grave adversity!
Protestant Reformation
Luther’s 95 Theses started a movement throughout Europe to reform the way the Church had been teaching its followers and new branches of Christianity sprouted from this schism.
History of the Lutheran Church
Lutheranism is one of the largest branches of Protestant Christianity and an unintentional result of Luther posting his 95 theses since his goal was to reform the Catholic church not create a new church. However, God had better plans for him. Lutheran’s believe that having faith in Jesus is all one needs to be granted eternal life and salvation in Heaven.
Luther’s Impact Today
A lot has happened since Martin Luther published his theses, he has since inspired countless others to rise up when a change must be made. He remains a significant figure in both world and religious history. His legacy lives on in Lutheran Churches around the globe.
“The right and true treasure of the Church is the most Holy Gospel of the glory and grace of God.”
— Martin Luther, theses 62