Knowing Jesus (blog)
"As soon as they got out of the boat, people recognized Jesus." (Mark 6:54)
When Jesus' boat anchored at Gennesaret, the residents sprang into action. Recognizing Jesus, they "ran throughout the whole region and carried the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was." (6:55) Desperate for healing, "they begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed." (6:56)Jesus came to offer people more than his cloak, more even than healing of their ailments. He came to forgive their sins and to give them hope for deliverance from all pain and suffering. They reached out for scraps of his attention, but Jesus came to bring them close to him, so that they could know him and be fully known by him. He came so they could know God through him.Jesus came to offer himself, fully, for the salvation of all people, through his suffering and death on the Cross.Prayer: Jesus, we go out into our own regions of the world today in your name, to know and care for people, so that they might recognize your healing presence in us. Help us to give ourselves fully. Help them to not just recognize you, but to know you personally as their loving Savior.