Right in Front of You (blog)

When I read in Ecclesiastes, I feel like King Solomon's trusted friend listening to him share his innermost thoughts. It's late at night, we're outside looking up at the big sky of stars and (like my Bible) he just opens up."...I hated life..." he laments (Eccl. 2:17). "I tried cheering myself..." (2:3) but "...my heart began to despair..." (2:20).I lean in closer to the man whose wisdom was "as measureless as the sand on the seashore" (1 Kings 4:29). His words resonate.Solomon rants about the "wearisome" cycles of everything "under the sun" (Eccl. 1:8, 3). Toilsome labor, achievement and advancement, pleasure and riches, and even wisdom itself are all just a "chasing after the wind" (1:14). There's nothing new (1:9), nothing is gained (2:11). People are corrupt and oppressed (4:1-4). We're all going to die and whatever we attain, well, we lose it all in the end (2:21)."...all come from dust, and to dust all return" (3:20).This last phrase definitely rings a bell, but I'm stuck on 'nothing new'. Seriously Solomon? I struggle to keep up with the newest devices, the latest news and social trends. Just as I'm ruminating about this, and about how I feel like I don't have time for anything, Solomon goes on about how there is "a time for everything"! (3:1-8)He's looking at life on a grand scale, instead of looking at what's right in front of him."Meaningless! Meaningless!" he cries. "...Everything is meaningless!" (1:2)"Solomon! Solomon!" I cry out in reply. "Everything? Really? Let's focus in here...""What about God's gift of love in relationships? You wrote all about it, Solomon (in Song of Songs), about that conversation you had with your friends and with your beautiful bride-to-be. So, what about the meaning in those relationships right in front of you?""And what about those people who eat, drink and find satisfaction in their work (2:24-26, 5:18-20)? You said that their contentment is also a gift from God. You were looking all around for it, but they've already found meaning right there in front of them.""You're so wise Solomon, you've looked far and wide, but look here," I say as I turn ahead in my Bible, "and I'll tell you about the real gift of God (Jesus), who ate and drank (with sinners) and found a great deal of satisfaction in the work (of saving them) that God put right in front of Him...He's totally changed my life! He's given it all new meaning..."(To learn more about how to see and enjoy the people and the work that God has put right in front of you, check out Pastor Greg Finke's book Joining Jesus on His Mission: How to Be an Everyday Missionary. To purchase, go to: https://dwelling114.org/. Pastor Finke is coming to SHLC on Sept. 22! All are welcome to join him here. To register, go to https://goo.gl/forms/pxXG6Pzk2tNouJ0s2. Please pray for God's blessing!)


Making Jesus Real (blog)


Incense, Prayers and Prophets (blog)