The Little Tasks (blog)

In Sunday's service, Eric encouraged us to answer The Lord's call to follow and serve Him in big and small ways.  (Thank you Eric, for stepping in for Pastor Dan!)  One way we answer God's call is by coming to church each Sunday, and spending time in His Word and in prayer throughout the week.  By doing these things we are also made ready to serve Him.Recently I found myself drawn into a conversation with an overtly stressed store cashier.  It was one of those rare and remarkable conversations where two people are able to open up and empathize with each other in a busy, public place.  Years of Sunday sermons about Christian outreach took effect, and I told her I would pray for her.  Bible promises and past experiences sprang to mind, and I confidently assured her that God cares, and that He hears and answers.  We talked around groceries, and for only minutes, still something in her demeanor changed.A week later I happened upon the same cashier, and with eyes wide she related how relief had come to her just after our conversation.  She attributed it to my prayer!Praise The Lord!Surely He inspires prayer.   How often our God arranges our witness to the world, about His saving love in Jesus.  We are joyful and blessed - and often surprised - participants.I see now that The Lord had been planning to help this woman all along.  He just needed someone to perform the little task of letting her know. 


Washed Clean (blog)


In Context (blog)