With God All Things Are Possible (blog)
Our word of encouragement for today comes from Cheryl, SHLC Administrative Director...Imagine my shock as I sat on the couch last Sunday watching Governor Murphy make his daily address on TV to the people of New Jersey, and him saying we've done a good job self-isolating, social distancing, etc. but that we still have NINE MORE days to go, and maybe even longer! To me it felt like we had to be approaching day 12 or 13...I had worked my usual Monday through Thursday, but come the weekend I started to feel bored. I'm not sure why because I had plenty of chores to do around the house. I guess in my mind I somehow equated being quarantined with being sick - that I couldn't go outside, do chores, etc. After wrapping my mind around the fact that I wasn't being asked to stay inside because I was sick, I decided to take a long walk outside. While it was amazing how light the traffic was on the main streets around downtown Basking Ridge, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of other people walking, the families riding bikes around town, and the families playing wiffle ball on their front lawns or basketball in their driveways. It was calming to see families spending time together.You see, I'm not a very patient person... I've become like so many other people (or did they become like me?), who want instant gratification! You can just imagine what went through my mind when Governor Murphy said our fifteen day isolation could be extended. Easter is coming, my brother and sister-In-Law-to-be's wedding venue had already canceled their wedding and reception scheduled for April 25th, summer vacations have been planned, our daughter's wedding is September 12th. So many important events are coming! I want answers, and I want them now!I know "good things come to those that wait", and that I should "smell the roses", and that "patience is a virtue", however, waiting for answers is a real challenge for me. BUT, I really want things to get back to normal as soon as possible, although I'm not sure I even know what normal is anymore...I, however, am amazed at the patience God has had and will continue to have with me - the forever sinner. As a dearly loved child of God, He is there for me whenever I need him! I don't have to wait to talk to him. I can pray at any time to thank Him for all he has given me, to ask him for forgiveness for my sins, to ask him to help others as well as myself, and to recognize him for the great God that He is.So now on Day 12 of the 15 day "Stay at Home" order, I am really trying to focus on the positives of the situation - working from home where I don't have to get "dressed" to go to work (maybe TMI), my house is becoming cleaner and more organized, I am still able to get out in the nice weather to go for a walk, I can keep in touch with my family via cell and Face Time, we have electricity and heat unlike when Sandy hit us, etc.I guess it's not so bad after all! With God all things are possible!!! I know he will bring us through this! We will be better and stronger people for it. May HE comfort and bless us all during this trying time. For now, I'm going to just sit back and go for the ride, however long it may be! Hope to see you all soon!!!Please pray with me:Lord, giver and sustainer of life, thank you for all the blessings you have given me - my family and friends, my home, and my health and the health of those around me. Thank you for being patient with us and for continually forgiving our sins.I ask you to continue to be with us all during these challenging times. Heal those that have been affected by the Corona Virus and other diseases and afflictions. Be with those that are unemployed, on furlough or disability. Open our eyes so that we may see how we can bring food, friendship and You to other people. Help us to make Your light shine in us at all times.In your name we Pray, Amen